Partners : IHMS

Institute for Hydrometeorology and Seismology, Montenegro (IHMS)

IV proleterske 19., 81000 Podgorica.
Phone: +382 20 655 183; Fax: +382 20 655 197; e-mail:

The main task of the meteorological sector in Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro, as a reference institution, is meteorological measurements and observations, data, and their further processing. Measurements and observations are made in the eight major, 20 climatological and more than 50 precipitation stations, by the standards set by the World Meteorological Organization. In recent years, a growing number of automated stations that continuously measure and record meteorological elements (air temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation, wind direction and wind speed, insolation, etc..) And them through mobile phone automatically transferred to the center located in Podgorica. One part of the data sent to the international trade, a major part within the Institute is subject to further control and processing.

HMZ maintains a database of meteorological data, processes them, and publish the results in the form of yearbooks.

Proper use of meteorological measurement and research in building infrastructure and residential buildings contributes to their safety, efficiency of use, and protect the environment. If necessary, the HMZ performed special meteorological measurements at the location of the object in accordance with customer requirements.

All the more significant operational and research activities related to the application of weather data, forecasts and knowledge in agriculture. Expanding the network of observation stations, automated measurements of soil temperature at standard depths and agro-climatic agro-meteorological research service provides a full contribution to the development of agriculture in Montenegro.

Department of forecasting at the Institute regularly produces very short-term, short-term and extended short-term (up to 5 days) forecasts for Montenegro. Apart from them, for port authorities and other users, twice a day is made special forecast, the weather and the sea on our part of the coast and coastal

Numerical modeling and numerical weather forecast, moving from the standpoint of the current weather situation and the development process can be represented by mathematical formulations of physical laws. That represented the legality of (the system of nonlinear partial differential equations) do not have exact analytical solutions, but are solved by the finite difference. Starting from the current state of the system of equations is solved for each point in a given area and for each step in time. Global models cover the entire planet, a regional limited area.

To represent the processes in the lower atmosphere must be used in models with fine resolution, ie denser network of points at which the computation is performed. As the computer resources are limited, and time is also a limiting factor in numerical models of very fine resolutions are used for smaller, limited areas, and initial and lateral conditions are taken from the global models have much coarser resolution. The HMZ Montenegro are in operational use Eta and NMM model. In both cases nestovanjem (nesting model to model) there is a very fine horizontal and vertical resolution, and as a result gets a prognostic supplies high accuracy and reliability. As an initial and lateral conditions, the data AVN GFS Washington (USA) and the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast, ECMWF in Reading (UK).

Department of the Environment RHMZ consists of two sub-program units: the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biology, the expert-themed media include air, water and soil. Program and methodology, the Department relies on appropriate programs of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and participating in them at the local level.

In accordance with statutory powers, this service every year the permanent control of surface and ground water and air in Montenegro. The aim of this study was to determine the status and changes of water balance and qualitative composition of the water, that is. determining the quality class of surface water, as well as control and evaluation of the level of air pollution in the ground layer of the atmosphere. Evaluation of the quality of water and air shall be in accordance with the legislation. Methodology of work at all stages of sampling, analysis and data processing is completely standardized. The laboratory is accredited 2010th.

In addition to national environmental monitoring program, the Department participates in the implementation of international programs: the monitoring of transboundary air pollution (EMEP) and the monitoring of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea from land (MEDPOL). Analytical data on the state of the environment are published in annual reports, which are filed in the occasional form to the relevant ministries and other interested users. The results are periodically published in professional national and international conferences.

Department participates in the implementation of professional and scientific programs, studies and projects in the field of environmental protection in Montenegro, participates in the development of emission inventory of pollutants, making for regional plans and the like.

Department provides analytical and consulting services in the field of environmental protection to third parties, issues opinions for approvals investment projects and provides didactic teaching a high school and college students.